Cycore's Cult Effects filters to be offered free with Adobe After Effects 4.1 Three powerful plug-ins to be included with new upgrade of popular motion graphics and visual effects software UPPSALA, SWEDEN, September 9, 1999 - Cycore, the creators of the industry-standard Final Effects software for the film and video industries, today announced that three plug-ins from its popular Cult Effects (CE) product will be included free of charge with the new Adobe® After Effects® 4.1 software package. The Cult Effects filters will further extend the capabilities of Adobe After Effects 4.1- which was announced today-by giving motion-graphics designers even more tools to create amazing special effects for film and video post production. "We're very happy to include these Cult Effects filters with our latest version of After Effects," said Steve Kilisky, senior product manager for Adobe After Effects. "Combining these products brings new possibilities to visual-effects artists that, together with all the new functions we have added to Adobe After Effects, make v. 4.1 a very powerful upgrade." The Cult Effects filters-CE ColorsQuad, CE Noise Turbulent and CE Radial Shadow-will accompany each upgrade CD-ROM of After Effects 4.1. Introduced in March 1998, Cult Effects has quickly become a must for serious After Effects users. The package features 18 filters, including CE Paint, which allows After Effects users to paint directly in After Effects for the first time. A demo of all 18 filters accompanies the upgrade to After Effects 4.1, in addition to the three free filters:
"Cycore is thrilled that Adobe has chosen to feature these innovative Cult Effects filters with its latest version of After Effects," said Bengt Starke, CEO of Cycore. "This endorsement is proof positive that Cult Effects is critical to producing remarkable special effects." "Cult Effects, with it's powerful paint and effects filters, adds some truly unique and very useful tools to the After Effects community," said Rene Hedemyr, founder of SoftMotion and host of the very popular After Effects mailing list. Pricing
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